Monday 23 June 2014

Church Growth!

Why have we been growing?

OK, Redcliffe Uniting Church has experienced some modest growth in the past few years, after a time of 'winter' – this winter was very essential to our current spring, so I don't want to dismiss what went before.  We have gone from a congregation of 125 in worship where 60% were retired and 8% children, to 180 where 45% are retired and 18% are children – we still have a long way to go! – One agent to two full-time equivalents.

Being on retreat gave me some space to reflect on 'why this is so' and I cautiously offer this as something for people to reflect on. Listed in no particular order, I'm sure this list could become a much longer article that, just in writing, I would find helpful. {indeed, I am writing it, expect each point to be expanded upon sometime in the future}

·      Location, location, location.

·      Vision, direction, purpose and hope for a future.

·      Gospel clearly proclaimed.

·      Tangible Community engagement

·      Tangible evangelism, not just 'we should be' from pulpit.

·      A generous bequest giving us a financial springboard to mission and generosity.

·      Contemporising the gospel message and worship

·      Engaging worship and preaching rather than 'proper' worship & preaching.

·      Challenging the status quo

·      Challenging the gatekeepers/constriction points

·      Care/love of people resulting in trust

·      Facilities that are an asset not a hindrance

·      The above and below leading to people seriously engaging their faith, stepping up to leadership, giving and generational leadership change.

·      Re-structuring for growth/permission giving structures.

·      God through the Spirit [Despite our best efforts to derail things, God just keeps working – the world would call it 'dumb luck'!]

·      Volunteers/staff committing to do excellent/thorough/methodical/extra mile/work for God.

·      Prayer

·      An open, positive, welcoming culture already largely in place.

·      Intentionally valuing children and families as integral to the church NOW!

·      A minister who passionately believes – who is captive to the gospel, hasn't grown cynical, and cares!


Whenever someone does this we run the risk of those reading becoming depressed [man, we're so far from this!] or offending people who feel they have been overlooked. My apologies for my failings in this.

Paul Clark

Sunday 22 June 2014

Sending out two by two

Here is the script for our sketch on Sunday. Unfortunately it wasn't recorded!
On Mission
A sketch that looks at Jesus sending the disciples out 2 by 2 in Mark 6:7-13, 30-31, with ‘nothing’. This was a short course in trusting him.
Players:    Paul         Becky
Props:       5 Suitcases that can fit within each other, clothes, toiletries bag, credit card, mobile phone, list.
Scene:        Paul & Becky are packing for a short-term mission trip, but the instructions from their group leader seem a bit extreme.

Becky:  Good morning kids. Today we’re looking at the story of when Jesus sent out his disciples in pairs on a secret mission. I’m not sure how secret it was. But they were to go out and do what he had done;
·        Get people to re-think their opinion of God.
·        To tell them that God’s Kingdom – heaven – was near,
·        To pray for sick people and confront evil.
To help us understand this, Paul and I are going to do a quick skit about what it might have been like for us to go on mission like the disciples!

Paul:     [Entering carrying all the props in one big suitcase.] This is going to be so cool.  A whole week of mission!
Becky:  What are you doing?
Paul:     I’m packing!
Becky:  Please!  You pack!  You get the list, and I’ll do the packing!
Paul:     OK, I’ve got the list from our team leader.    It’s a bit weird.
Becky:  [Pile of clothes.] How many changes of outfit do we need?
Paul:     Umm, none.
Becky:  Come on. We’ve got a Sunday, I’ll need some good clothes for Sunday, and we might go swimming, I’ve got my swimmers, and what if it gets cold. You’ll need a jumper. And we might want to go out to dinner. I’ll need something formal, and…
Paul:     No really, the list says, ‘don’t take any extra clothes.’
Becky:  What! [Comes over to check.] But, but, what if I get invited to someone important’s house?
Paul:     I guess Jesus wants us to travel light.
Becky:  [Pulling out medium suitcase, tossing aside large suitcase.] We’re gonna smell! I better pack deodorant.
Paul:     No deodorant.
Becky:  This sounds like a ‘boy’ camp!
Paul:     We do need to wear good shoes.
Becky:  OK, I’ll pack my high heals, and your dress shoes.
Paul:     No, we should wear one good, sturdy pair of practical shoes.
Becky:  [Pulling out small suitcase, tossing aside medium suitcase.] Drat, that sounds like lots of walking!
Paul:     Yeah, because we are allowed to take a staff.
Becky:  A staff. You mean staff, to do all the work.
Paul:     No a staff; a big stick.
Becky:  Why a staff?
Paul:     I don’t know?
Becky:  Don’t say Jesus wants us to walk around like a prophet, looking like a weirdo.
Paul:     Maybe.  We do have God’s message.
Becky:  Well I’m certainly going to take my make-up. [Toiletries bag.]
Paul:     It’s not on the list.
Becky:  What? Does Jesus want me to scare people into heaven with my looks?
Paul:     You don’t need makeup to do that.
Becky:  Huh!?
Paul:     That came out wrong. I like how you look.
Becky:  Hold it, hold it! I’ve worked it out. Travel light. Travel fast. Credit Card! [Holding it up.]
Paul:     The list specifically says to leave your money, and credit cards, at home!
Becky:  What!!! What are we supposed to do?  What are we going to eat? I’m gonna have to pack some food! [Baked Beans.]
Paul:     I’m not sure, but the list definitely says don’t take any food!
Becky:  Drat! [Removes smaller suitcase, and dumps small suitcase.] Hey, I know! Of course! Pre-book the Hyatt! Five stars. All meals included! I’m saved!
Paul:     The instructions say don’t book ahead. You are to stay with whomever offers you accommodation.
Becky:  Billeting?  Isn’t that illegal these days! I’m glad I’ve got my mobile phone!
Paul:     Strange. The instructions don’t mention anything about technology, but I’m guessing no modern devices!
Becky:  What! What if I want to phone a friend? My mother? The police!
Paul:     I’ll be there!
Becky:  That’s why I might want to phone my mother!
Paul:     Hey Beck, I think I’ve worked it all out. This is a lesson. Jesus wants us to trust each other. To trust those we meet, but most of all, to trust him, for everything.
Becky:  Trust!?
Paul:     Yeah. We’ve got to learn to trust Jesus when it’s easy, because one day it might get a lot harder to trust him.
Becky:  I can’t see why that would be. He’ll be with us till we’re old and grey! At least I’ve got my comfort bag I had when I was in kindy.
Paul:     Actually Beck, I’ve only just noticed.   No bags!
Becky:  No bags, no money, only the clothes on my back!? Well how’s this? [Putting on four jumpers.]
Paul:     Becky, Becky? Is there a psychologist in the house?
