Sunday 27 March 2011

Best Thing I've read on Scripture

I read this book last year and was inspired. It is the best book I have read on Scripture. It goes beyond the typical discussions of Inerrancy, liberal/literal and takes a literary approach to scripture because, well scripture is literature - it is largely story! It especially 'clicks' with me as I consider myself a story-teller.

The Book - 'CS Lewis on Scripture' by Michael Christensen, 1980 Hodder & Stoughton. [still available at Amazon]. Lewis himself never wrote a systematic understanding of Scripture. This is Christensen's pulling together of Lewis' approach to scripture from all the sources he could muster.

Lewis was comfortable with myth having significant meaning, indeed being the closest way to understand in concrete ways what can otherwise only be expressed abstractly. Myth can be truer than history or fact, able to put us in touch with reality in more intimate ways than knowing or facts ever could. Thus while he was OK with Adam and Eve being 'myth' he was passionate about the deep truth revealed in the myth!

Lewis was also uncomfortable with the tendency of others to dismiss as unhistorical any text which reported miracles. He said the historical truth or otherwise of a text was not to be pre-judged on the assumption that miracles can not happen. That would be to make a mistake, for there is no philosophical grounds to make such an assumption. Miracles by definition are such because they can not happen!

He was scathing of those who were supposedly biblical literary critics posturing that it was obvious they had never read or studied any literature at all given their conclusions.

The appendix on 'The rational Romantic' is worth the price of the book alone and it's discussion of the idea Sehnsucht.

Lewis frees us from literal and liberal interpretations of scripture, freeing us from doctrinal determination of how we approach and understand scripture - of putting God, and the bible in a box. Rather scripture was literature; to be read, experienced and taken [not naively] at face value as God's word to us.

If you can find this book, do yourself a favour and read it!

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