Wednesday 2 March 2011

Troubled Times

Cyclones, floods, fires, mudslides, snowstorms, earthquakes. It’s been a confronting beginning to 2011 – and that’s not including the human induced tragedies. We can quite legitimately be asking, ‘Where is God in all this?’ Or is this what the Bible speaks about as the ‘birth pains’ – the signs that God is closer than we think?

Are these natural disasters an unusual confluence of events that will settle down, or is this the new normal? Is a hurting globe adjusting to human pollution, like a dog scratching at its fleas, or are we just experiencing what has always been and will always be?

Whatever is going on, such fearsome and frightening events put things in perspective. They put us in our place. They remind us how puny, how powerless and how pointless out lives really are. At the end of the day awards and achievements mean nothing. We are reminded that it is relationships that count. It is relationships that carry us through. It is relationships that we cling to.

The most important of these is a relationship with the Creator of it all. This is the relationship that can last forever, and can ensure our other relationships last beyond this mortal coil.

What else can we do in these tragic times but cry out to God for answers, for meaning – but also for comfort and solace. What have you done about your eternal relationship?

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